
学会誌として『Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (APG)』(英文誌) と『植物地理・分類研究 : The Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy』(和文誌) を発行しています。両誌ともJ–STAGE (総合学術電子ジャーナルサイト) あるいは本サイトにおいて無料で閲覧できます。また、バックナンバーの頒布も行っておりますので、在庫状況や価格はこちらのページからご確認下さい。


Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (APG)

英文誌・年3回刊行。植物分類学・系統学、植物地理学および関連分野の原著論文・短報・モノグラフ・総説を掲載します。1巻~51巻は英文/和文誌のActa Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (植物分類・地理) として刊行。

掲載論文 Articles

APGについて About APG

Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (APG) is an international, peer-reviewed and Open Access journal published three times a year by the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics. It is the continuation of the journal Societas Phytogeographica Kyoto, Japan. APG publishes research manuscripts in the fields of taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution, conservation, biogeography of plants (including algae and fungi) and related disciplines. Contributions devoted to new taxa, nomenclature, monographs, floristic studies and genetic variation are also invited. All manuscripts should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief.

投稿規定 Instructions to Authors

Please see Instructions to Authors

Articles published in APG after February 2025 may be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows users to copy, distribute, and adapt the material, provided that appropriate credit* is given. Details of the license can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
*Any use of the material must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

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編集組織 Editor-in-Chief, Editors and Editorial Board

Editor-in-ChiefFUSE, Shizuka (Kyoto, Japan)
EditorsBOUFFORD, David E. (Boston, U.S.A.)
EBIHARA, Atsushi (Tsukuba, Japan)
FUJII, Noriyuki (Kumamoto, Japan)
IKEDA, Hajime (Tokyo, Japan)
IKEDA, Hiroshi (Tokyo, Japan)
INOUE, Yuya (Tsukuba, Japan)
KUROSAWA, Takahide (Fukushima, Japan)
MAKI, Masayuki (Sendai, Japan)
NAIKI, Akiyo (Taketomi, Japan)
NITTA, Joel H. (Chiba, Japan)
TAKAYAMA, Koji (Kyoto, Japan)
TAGANE, Shuichiro (Kagoshima, Japan)
TAMURA, Minoru N. (Kyoto, Japan)
TANAKA, Nobuyuki (Tsukuba, Japan)
WATANO, Yasuyuki (Chiba, Japan)
Editorial BoardFUJII, Shinji (Okazaki, Japan)
IWASAKI, Takaya (Tokyo, Japan)
KAWAKUBO, Nobumitsu (Gifu, Japan)
KOI, Satoshi (Katano, Japan)
MURAKAMI, Noriaki (Hachioji, Japan)
NAGAMASU, Hidetoshi (Kyoto, Japan)
NAKADA, Takashi (Sapporo, Japan)
NISHIDA, Harufumi (Tokyo, Japan)
NISHIDA, Sachiko (Nagoya, Japan)
OHMURA, Yoshihito (Tsukuba, Japan)
PAK, Jae-hong (Taegu, Korea)
POOMA, Rachun (Bangkok, Thailand)
YANG, Yong-Ping (Kunming, China)
YONEKURA, Koji (Motobu, Japan)

植物地理・分類研究 : The Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy




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